With thousands of students applying for college, how do you write a poignant, unique college application essay that stands out from the rest and still tells an authentic story about you? Here, Jake offers some tips on how to start mapping out a successful personal statement for your college applications - but that’s not all. He and Hilary Bilbrey are combining their expertise to bring you an online workshop this Fall which will help you map out your essay(s) and dig deep into the core values and identity of who you are, for an experience that will transcend just the college application experience.
Meet the Team: Lizzie S., Tutoring Student-Turned-Tutor-Herself, Talks About Taking a Gap Year
Why Your Official SAT Score is Lower Than Your Practice Test Scores
You've studied, you've quizzed, you've prepared for your SAT for months. Now you've taken it, but you scored lower than your practice scores. Why? Online learning expert and director of student success at Everydae Marc Feder has some answers and some tips to help you ace your tests without the stress.