Have You Noticed The Pandemic? It’s Distracting.


Hi, I’m Jake.

I’m the owner of PCH Tutors and its sister company Simplifi EDU. Now that you’re learning from home due to COVID-19, I want to begin the journey of helping you figure out the answers to some of your questions about how to adjust to our current situation. We live in scary times, which makes it even easier to lose focus on the work in front of you.

I’m sure by now you’ve asked yourself, “How am I supposed to get all this work done... on my own?”

... and,

“How am I supposed to focus when literally everything is a distraction?”


One of the questions I ask myself literally every morning when I wake up is...


Just kidding… kind of. As an entrepreneur and business owner with a team of more than fifty people to manage, the single most difficult thing I do every day is figure out the answers to these two questions: “What do I do next?” and “How should I be spending my time right now?”

Figuring out the answers to these questions for yourself every day and then putting one foot in front of the other to get the work done is life-changing. But… and this is a big “but”... no one really takes the time to teach you how to develop your own way of doing this in a systematized, easy-to-follow, and step-by-step way.

In this series, I’ll be sharing all of the most essential productivity lessons I’ve learned over the past decade. Things like:

  • How to capture everything you have to do.

  • How to set aside time for studying, how to get long term projects done.

  • How to prioritize your work, and how to put all these things into a system that works for you.

Figuring out the answers to these questions for yourself every day and then putting one foot in front of the other to get the work done is life-changing.

You Can Read the whole series by clicking the links below

How to become your own productivity superhero.

Don’t worry about your to-do’s - write them down!

Enter the Productivity Matrix

How To “Be In The Moment” and GTD Using Your Calendar!

Looking Back To Get Ahead

As always, if you need an online tutor for just about anything - including getting organized and being productive with your time - let us know!

Thanks for reading and sharing our content with all of your friends!
