Meet The Team: Hannah T.

One of our greatest assets at PCH Tutors is the diversity of our team’s background and our ability to act as a resource to the students and parents in our community. So today, come along with us to meet our superb tutor Hannah T. as she gives us an insider’s look into the Pepperdine University admission process.

This is Hannah T!


What do you do as an admission counselor at Pepperdine?

H: We help students apply to the college and we hold workshops that help high schoolers understand how the application process works. Also, if a student turns in an application with missing information we track them down and make sure to get our hands on those missing pieces.

What aspects of the application are most important to college admissions?

It’s important to us to look at the student as a whole. We look first at the students’ academics, then we look to see if the student has a heart for the mission of our school.  and we really like to see community involvement. It’s also important for us to see someone who’s excited to further our mission as a school.

Do you have any tips for students trying to pick a college that suits them?

Make sure that you are looking beyond the name of the school. It’s crucial to do your research and try to think about what experience admissions wants to see presented in your application. Think about your vision and plan and try to find a college or university that fits within that. Also think about what kind of environment will help you become the best person you can be.

How did you decide that Pepperdine was the right fit for you?

When I visited Pepperdine I loved the community and how much the people here cared for one another. Pepperdine's professors get very involved with the students and give great mentorship, which is really important to me. I identify really strongly  with the mission and overall values of the school, and I really respect that Pepperdine has never compromised their mission or values or vision in order to attract incoming students.

What's the most crucial thing for students to remember while applying for schools?

As an admissions counselor my biggest piece of advice for students is to make sure to let your voice shine through in your application, make your sure your application really showcases your personality and what makes you, you.

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We are incredibly thankful for Hannah’s insight and time. We are also very excited for her future endeavors as she preps for her move out of California. We here at PCH Tutors are thrilled to congratulate Hannah on her engagement and we wish her the very best. Thank you Hannah for the three years you have contributed to PCH Tutors. We will miss you!