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GUEST POST, University of St. Augustine: How to Boost Memory and Memorize Information

It’s finals season, and sometimes it’s hard enough to remember to do that important errand much less remember everything you need to know for multiple exams. Remember Jake’s previous productivity post about how your brain’s a “meat computer” - more processor than RAM? Fortunately, there are a number of techniques you can use to help memorize and retain information: memory tips that help strengthen your memorization skills and improve mental recall can help continue to build up your memory over time, in various areas! Check out this guest post from content marketing specialist Julia Morrissey and be sure to check out the super-cool infographic gallery below from our friends at University of St. Augustine.

Forgot something today? You’re only human!

Memory plays a significant role in everyday life as it allows us to learn about the world around us and adapt as necessary. Memory capabilities vary person to person, and even species to species. In fact, a study suggested the ability to remember specific events is likely a unique human characteristic as animals do not tend not to remember arbitrary events long-term. Oddly, another study found that left-handed people have better memories than right-handed people. 

How does memory work?

In order to form a memory, information we take in goes through the three stages of memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval. The encoding process converts information into a construct that is stored in the brain. Information is then stored as either a long-term or short-term memory before finally, that information is able to be retrieved from storage.

Strengthening your memory happens over time as you form healthy habits.

Since being able to retrain and retrieve information is such an important part of school, you might be interested to learn that there are a number of ways you can improve your ability to memorize and recall information. You can help set yourself up for success by living a healthy lifestyle. Focus on exercising regularly, limiting stress, eating healthy, and making sure to get enough sleep.

Give your memory a running start.

Before beginning to study for an exam or presentation, you’ll want to try to limit distractions as much possible. Put your phone away and pause Netflix! Try to plan ahead so you can avoid cramming and are able to take breaks. Sleeping between study sessions, as well as studying before can help people retain information.

Check out this sleek infographic with memory tips and illustrations to help you seal the deal.

Check out more quick tips to boost your memory and even download the above gallery visual as an infographic from our friends at the University of St. Augustine.

As always, if you need tutoring help or finals assistance, please contact us!